A young girl magically transports to Rainbow Village, a whimsical land inhabited by her dolls, and takes on different community roles to help save the day!\r\nWhat little girl doesn’t imagine that her dolls are alive? Whether enjoying a backyard tea party or a bedtime snuggle, the bond between little a girl and her dolls is as profound and limitless as her imagination. It is exactly this kind of nurturing and socially based role-play that is the inspiration for “Rainbow Ruby”. \r\n动画片《彩虹宝宝》讲述了彩虹宝宝-露露的玩具娃娃们被付与生命力的童年理想,以及勇敢伶俐的主人公露露在朋友们需要赞助的时候伸出援手去协助的故事。每当露露收到求助信号后,露露和最爱的玩具小熊-心宝便开始为它们的奇幻之旅做准备。接着露露的房间像魔法般酿成了彩虹小镇。露露带上彩虹行李箱,里面装满让她能变身成各类职业来协助的职业装备,前往彩虹小镇。